Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Last week my good friend Whitney Bates alerted me to a great volunteer opportunity in NYC. Knowing that I had the desire to go all the way to the Gulf Coast to assist in the hurricane recovery process she found a way to for us to help out without having to travel half way across the country.

What she came up with was a week long joint venture between NBC and Habitat for Humanity that enables people to go down to Rockefeller Center and help build new homes for those people affected by Hurricane Katrina and now also Hurricane Rita.

I was excited to hear of this opportunity because it was a way for me to help out without just sending money somewhere, even though I did that as well. This way I could also give my blood, sweat, and tears to the effort, especially my blood considering how I am with a hammer.

More than that though it was also my chance to meet Brittany Snow since a lot of NBC related celebrities were going to be making appearances.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I'll have the opportunity to anymore because registration is already full. I highly doubt that they would turn someone away if they showed up willing to help but logistically there's probably nothing they can do if there's more people than tasks.

Perhaps they should consider extending the project a few more days, especially into the weekend, to give those who want to volunteer an opportunity to do so. But I doubt that they'll be able to do that on short notice.

I'm not sure how this will play out. Maybe I still will get the chance to go and use a glue gun like I've always wanted to. But it doesn't look that way. Instead it looks like I'll have to buy a bottle of elmer's glue and put some on my skin so that I can peel it off once it dries like I used to do in the first grade.

And unfortunately that's not going to benefit anyone. :(

Now if you'll excuse me I have to go get some more tissues so that I can wipe away my voluntears.

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