Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Birthday Recap

The one good thing about birthdays is that you can find out who your true friends are. Or in my case you can find out who was online yesterday, saw your away message, and discovered that it was your birthday. But in any event thank you very much to all my friends and family who either remembered it was birthday or got lucky that my screen name ends in 524. To everyone else, the bidding to win back my friendship starts with a pair of Yankees tickets.

Before I leave for the mall I wanted to share a top ten list that my friend Brian put up on his blog,, last night in my honor. For anyone who enjoys Brian's favorite past time of 'ripping Craig', you're sure going to like this list.

You Know You're Craig Shames if:

#10) You check the paper for job openings such as General Manager of a Professional Baseball Team

#9) You believe that every pitch you bounced in softball was just a bad call and the ump is hatin on you

#8) You think driving your car is a video game and yell "weeee" when going around a turn

#7) Regarding you and Natalie Portman, you believe its not a matter of if but when

#6) You think the Meadowbrook and Southern State are the same parkway

#5) You believe the food pyrimad consists of bagged carrots, pretzels, and twizzlers.

#4) You have trained your dog to be exactly like you and hate every one

#3) You have a new best friend every day

#2) You are walking topless on the beach and people ask you why you are wearing a sweater

#1) Your take on alcohol and women are the same...."I've never had any"

If you liked that list, check out Brian's blog for an article on how I'm the descendant of Big Foot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think i may be craig shames - scary.