Sunday, May 29, 2005

How do the Yankees Suck?

You knew it was inevitable as soon as I created this blog. At some point there would be a post about Red Sox fans or rather Yankee haters. Your probably just surprised it took me this long. But the truth is that I just wanted to wait for the two teams to play again, and this Memorial weekend I finally get to bring out all my Yankees-Red Sox ammunition.

And I'll start with the all too familar chant of "Yankees Suck, Yankees Suck". It's an oxy moron really. How can a team that has won 26 world championships suck? They don't suck. They are actually very good. Which is why that chant bothers me so much. If you're going to waste your time trashing the other team rather than cheer for your own team, you might as well be accurate with your chanting. Which is why chants like "waste of money" or "overrated" would be more fitting.

What's worse is that this chant does not just occur at baseball games but almost everywhere really. I've heard it at collegiate hockey games, in stairwells during a fire drill, and even during the Boston Marathon.

That last instance is what inspired me to do a stand up routine in Boston about the chant and how at the Boston marathon, 'Yankees Suck' shouldn't be chanted but rather 'Kenyans Suck' since they are the ones that win every year. That comment, not only started a 'Craig Sucks' chant but also led to my retirement from stand up comedy.

Oh well. I may not be funny but at least the team I root for doesn't suck. No really they don't. They win all the time. How can they possibly suck?

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