Monday, May 23, 2005

Birthday Wishes

On this, my birthday eve, I thought it would be appropriate to unveil my birthday wish list.

1. Brittany Snow, Sophia Bush, Alexis Bledel, Natalie Portman, or Keira Knightley
2. My own reality show on MTV
3. A guest appearance on Lost
4. A job: Should be higher than fourth on my list but I'd much rather get laid by a celebrity or become famous than work 9-5.
5. DVD's for my movie collection: A collection with just the Matrix and Shallow Hal is hardly a collection at all.
6. A time machine so I can go back in time and stop myself from buying all those new work clothes a week before I got fired.
7. Comic books to start my comic book collection: I figured if I'm going to be a 23 year old virgin still living in my parent's basement I might as well look the part and start collecting comic books and going to Star Wars conventions.
8. A water bed: If I'm going to be sleeping every day until 2 pm, I might as well be comfortable.


M-Tone said...

the virgin comment needs to go i'd keep that secret

Craig Shames said...

I don't have any secrets, my life is an open book...