Sunday, July 24, 2005

It's Raining Surprises

Saturday was Melanie's surprise shower and boy was she surprised. She had absolutey no clue a lot like Joe Torre in how he used his bullpen last year or me when figuring out how to open up a condom package. She was so surprised in fact that instead of jumping up and down and screaming excitedly she just stood there quietly for several minutes trying to calculate exactly how she was duped.

Being the mathematical wiz that she is she actually devised a theorem to help her figure it out. It was: # of white lies told by family+ # of fibs told by friends + # of half truths told by anyone divided by deception equals surprise.

Once the shock slowly went away she began to open presents. Not that I'm complaining but did you know that the typical bride can expect engagement presents, shower presents, bachelorette party presents, and wedding gifts. That's four gifts for one person. The groom on the other hand just gets a bachelor party and the his part of the matching his and her bath towels. How come there's no groomal shower? What's up with that?

Anyway I gotta run, I've been in the shower so long I'm starting to shrivel up.

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