Sunday, July 31, 2005

Week in Review

Random thoughts from the last week:

Last week while trying to go to the movies I drove through the Roosevelt Field parking lot by weaving in and out of parked cars rather than just driving down the pathways between rows of cars. My rationale was that I was in the mood for football with training camps opening up and wanted to pretend I was a running back dodging would be tacklers. To which Brian suggested that I follow a Hummer as my lead blocker.

It was so hot at the beach on Tuesday that my ice cream lasted about as long as Russell in bed.

The worse part about having a hairy back besides the constant ridicule is that you always get sun burned there since no one ever wants to put lotion on you.

Corny joke of the week: What do you call a dog that's at the beach? A hot dog!

Rumor has it that there was a fire in the Oceanside dump last week, just days after Z100's Greg T made fun of the dump in his trip to O'Side last week. Coincidence? I think not!

The worst part about Mark's heart attack is that he's going to have eat less meat and more fish. And when I say 'the worst part' I mean for me.

I wonder what those two pitching prospects that the Yankees traded to the Rockies for Shawn Chacon did to deserve getting sent to pitching purgatory in Colorado?

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