Sunday, June 05, 2005

Happy Birthday Leigh Bob

So, I was hanging out last night at this bar called Splash on the Nautical Mile. If your not familar with where it is just make a left onto dirtbag road, turn right onto meathead street, go straight for two blocks and then its right there on your left hand side between all the white trash sluts and pot heads.

Seriously, I've never been more uncomfortable in my life. Well, expect for maybe the time in seventh grade when the kids behind me were throwing pencils at me every time the substitute teacher turned around.

But anyway, the bar/long island trash breeding ground got me thinking about how much I miss today's birthday girl, the lovely Leigh Taginski. I definitely miss game nights, going to the movies, and hanging out in afterHOURS. Essentially, I miss all the sober fun we used to have.

There needs to be more people like you in the world. You know the kind of people who are already making plans to go to the midnight Harry Potter book release party at Barnes and Nobles. The kind of people who haven't met a hot chocolate they didn't like. The kind of people who carry on the tradition of labor day on your birthday.

But because there isn't we have to cherish the ones we do have. So Leigh, on this your 22nd birthday, I want you to remember one thing....your the best.

Happy Birthday.

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