Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Craig to the Rescue

So last night I went to watch Billy's other softball team, the Swingers, play a tuesday night doubleheader because the Gilmore Girls weren't fresh, the Yankees were playing the bottom feeding Royals, and well because I have no life.

I kept the book just like in the glory days of Oceanside High School and chased down some foul balls. All was well in my world. And then it happened...

Just before the seventh inning of the second game, one of their players left because it was getting late and he had to go to work the next day. He thought since he was at the bottom of the lineup and his team was down by seven runs that his departure wouldn't affect anything. Little did he know that the Swingers would rally and that his spot in the order would come up.

Since he left, his spot in the order should have been an automatic out, one that would have killed the Swingers rally and cost them the game. But since I was just lying around, I was able to pinch hit for him and the rest as they say is history.

In what some are saying is one of the greatest moments in baseball/softball history, yours truly, ala Kirk Gibson, came off the bench, and without so much as a practice swing, lined a rally continuing base hit to center field.

Two batters later and the game was over. The Swingers had their first win of their year. And I had an even bigger ego. All in a day's work.

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