Thursday, June 02, 2005

Shame(s) on U: In Defense of Danica

Shame(s) on you, Indy race car drivers. You should have embraced the first woman to ever lead the Indy 500, Danica Patrick. But instead you made excuses and tried to bring her down. Tried to suggest that because she weighs up to 100 pounds lighter than you, that she has some kind of unfair advantage. That her car will go quicker without the extra weight.

Such accusations were nonsensical and offensive and we are all dumber for having heard such remarks. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

So to all you race car drivers out there I have a message for you: Just because crappy ass movies like Days of Thunder and Driven have painted your sport in a bad light doesn't make it okay to take out your frustration on others. Just because no one classifies you as a real athlete does not make it okay to ruin Danica's historic day. Just because you get bombarded with red neck jokes every where you go on tour does not mean that you can say ignorant things that stall our society's progress.

Women already have equal rights; already have the right to vote. It's the gay, lesbian and bi-sexual community that still doesn't have any rights. So please do us all a favor and leave Danica alone and go make fun of Anne Heche you pieces of trailer park trash.


WB said...

Craig, you need to be careful what you post. people are going to start thinking you're even more of a pussy than you actually are in real life.

and Days of Thunder was not a crappy movie. The only person who would think that is someone who lists The Princess Diaries as one of their top ten all time.

Craig Shames said...

I will not dignify those comments with a response